53456 Keyword Manager manual Page

  • Login
    • Clients Login
      • Process
        • 1-Go to www.53456.in and login with given user id and password.
          2.Click the check box in I agree to the TERMS
          3.Click to GO button.
  • Manage Keywords and sub keywords
    • Create Keyword
      • Process
        • 1:Go to Home -> write your keyword in keyword input box.
          2:Now select Fetch Type ,local(Static response) or URL(dynamic response from your URL).
          3.write your response in Welcome Message: input box.
          4.Now select Fetch Type ,local(Static response) or URL(dynamic response from your URL).
          5.write your response in Default Message: input box.
          6.select status YES
    • Edit keyword
      • Process
        • 1: To Edit Keyword please select a keyword then click on edit link.
          2:Now select Fetch Type ,local(Static response) or URL(dynamic response from your URL).
          3.write your response in Welcome Message: input box.
          4.Now select Fetch Type ,local(Static response) or URL(dynamic response from your URL).
          5.write your response in Default Message: input box.
          6.select status YES
    • Create Sub Keyword
      • Process
        • 1:Go to Home -> select your keyword then click view, now click on add button,
          write your SUb keyword in sub keyword input box.
          2:Now select Fetch Type ,local(Static response) or URL(dynamic response from your URL).
          3.write your response in Message: input box.
          4.enter your email id if you want daily log report in your mail
    • Edit sub keyword
      • Process
        • 1:Go to Home -> select your keyword then click view, select your sub keyword and click on edit button,
          write your SUb keyword in sub keyword input box.
          2:Now select Fetch Type ,local(Static response) or URL(dynamic response from your URL).
          3.write your response in Message: input box.
          4.enter your email id if you want daily log report in your mail
  • Manage Reports
    • view Logs
      • Process
        • 1:Select Keyword
          2: Select Sub keyword
          3: select date
          4: submit